GBAM Food Cupboard
Food Distribution on Second and Fourth Friday of a month (9AM to 12PM)
Greater Bay Area Ministerium distribute for those in need all kinds of food items such as canned foods, cereals, meats, vegetables and fruits.
Everyone is welcome with the love of Christ.
Place for distribution - The Parking behind the Belfast UMC buildling.
Recovery Groups
Space Available for Recovery Groups
Belfast UMC supports recovery groups in our local area.
If you need a space for your group, please contact us at 207-338-5575 or at
May God bless you!
Mission Share
Ministry Support, New England Mission, and World Mission
Belfast UMC supports our neighbors in our local areas as well as our country and the world through Mission Share.
If you would like to contribute to it, please contact us at or 207-338-5575
Fuel Assistance
You need help to fill your oil tank? Call Us to see if you are qualified.
Greater Bay Area Ministerium supports our residents who are in need of oil to stay warm during winter. If you are in need, please contact us at or 207-338-5575
Prayer Shawls
If you are in need of prayer, please let us know. We are be there for you and pray for you.
Belfast UMC has a very dedicated knitting group. If you are interested in joining this group, please let us know.
The knitting group make prayer shawls and distribute them to those who are in need of God's presence. If you are in need, or if you know someone who are in need of God's help, please let us know so that we can pray together.